Classification of igneous rock (Le Bas, et al., 1986)

Gnuplot's Script

# Classification of igneous rock
# latest update on 25.06.2000 by IWW

set xtics 4
set ytics 2,2,16
set nokey
set xrange [36:84]
set yrange [1:16]
set xlabel '{/Roman=17 SiO_2 (wt. percent)}'
set ylabel '{/Roman=17 Na_2O+K_2O (wt. percent)}'

set arrow 1 from 38.7,7.9 to 38.7,2.5 head lt 1 lw 1
set arrow 2 from 39.5,9 to 43,11 head lt 1 lw 1

set label 1 '{/Roman=16 Foidite}' at 38.75,8.5 center
set label 2 '{/Roman=16 Phonolite}' at 57,14 center
set label 3 '{/Roman=16 Tepri-}' at 50.75,11.85 left
set label 4 '{/Roman=16 phonolite}' at 50.75,11.35 left
set label 5 '{/Roman=16 Phono-}' at 47,9.75 left
set label 6 '{/Roman=16 tephrite}' at 47,9.25 left
set label 7 '{/Roman=16 Tephrite}' at 44.5,6.5 center
set label 8 '{/Roman=16 Basanite}' at 43.25,5.5 center
set label 9 '{/Roman=16 Picro-}' at 41.5,2.5 left
set label 10 '{/Roman=16 basalt}' at 41.5,2 left
set label 11 '{/Roman=16 Trachyte}' at 64,12.5 center
set label 12 '{/Roman=16 Trachydacite}' at 64.75,9.25 center
set label 13 '{/Roman=16 Trachy-}' at 55.65,9 left
set label 14 '{/Roman=16 andesite}' at 55.65,8.5 left
set label 15 '{/Roman=16 Basaltic}' at 51,7.5 left
set label 16 '{/Roman=16 trachy-}' at 51,7.0 left
set label 17 '{/Roman=16 andesite}' at 51,6.5 left
set label 18 '{/Roman=16 Trachy-}' at 47.25,5.9 left
set label 19 '{/Roman=16 basalt}' at 47.25,5.4 left
set label 20 '{/Roman=16 Basalt}' at 48.8,3.5 center
set label 21 '{/Roman=16 Rhyolite}' at 73,8 center
set label 22 '{/Roman=16 Dacite}' at 67.5,4 center
set label 23 '{/Roman=16 Andesite}' at 60,3.5 center
set label 24 '{/Roman=16 Basaltic}' at 52.5,3.75 left
set label 25 '{/Roman=16 andesite}' at 52.5,3.25 left

plot "maitre-sl.dat" with line 1, \
     "maitre-dl.dat" with line 3

# maitre-dl.dat ---> for dashline

41 3
41 7
45 9.4

57 1.5
57 0.5

63 2
63 0.5

74 3
76.3 0.5

36 10
46 10

36 7
41 7

36 3
41 3

# maitre-sl.dat ---> for solidline

41 0.5
41 3

45 9.4
48.4 11.5
52.5 14

45 0.5
45 3
45 5
49.4 7.3
53 9.3
57.6 11.7
61 13.5

45 5
52 5
57 5.9
63 7
69 8
69 13

45 9.4
49.4 7.3
52 5
52 0.5

48.4 11.5
53 9.3
57 5.9
57 1.5

50 15.1
52.5 14
57.6 11.7
63 7
63 2

69 8
74 3

41 3
45 3

This document was generated on 25 June 2000 using the texi2html translator version 1.51.