# Automatic correcting and plotting the REE data
# last modified 02.07.2000 by IWW
set logscale y 10
set xrange [0.5:14.5]
set yrange [2:200]
set xtics ("La" 1,"Ce" 2,"Pr" 3,"Nd" 4,"Sm" 5,"Eu" 6,"Gd" 7, \
"Tb" 8,"Dy" 9,"Ho" 10,"Er" 11,"Tm" 12,"Yb" 13,"Lu" 14)
set key right
set ylabel '{/Roman=20 Sample/C1-Chondrite}'
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# this script will read raw data (uncorrected) then automatically
# calculate c1-chondrite correction and plot the result. It doesn't
# need additional processing of REE data from measurement.
# -----------------------------------------------------------------
plot 'ree-rock.dat' using 1:($3/$2) t ' ' with linespoints 1 1, \
'ree-rock.dat' using 1:($4/$2) t ' ' with linespoints 2 2, \
'ree-rock.dat' using 1:($5/$2) t ' ' with linespoints 3 3, \
'ree-rock.dat' using 1:($6/$2) t ' ' with linespoints 4 4, \
'ree-rock.dat' using 1:($7/$2) t ' ' with linespoints 5 5, \
'ree-rock.dat' using 1:($8/$2) t ' ' with linespoints 6 6, \
'ree-rock.dat' using 1:($9/$2) t ' ' with linespoints 7 7, \
'ree-rock.dat' using 1:($10/$2) t ' ' with linespoints 8 8
# t ' '; ' ' should be filled by sample number or code