About Me!
I was born in center part
of small island, Bali in Indonesia (Bangli). I live with
quite strong balinese culture. I have lot of hobbies and most of them are strongly
influenced by the environment that I was firstly educated, i.e. reading, handycraft,
listening music (especially balinese gamelan), photography (but still amateur),
and computer (especially graphics, type-setting/DTP applications).
My Job
I am a staff member at the Department of Geological Engineering,
Gadjah Mada University and I have thought the following subjects:
- Exploration and Mining Geology (UG/G)
- Geo-Material for Industry (G)
- Geochemistry of Mineral Deposits (G)
- Geology of Industrial Minerals (UG/G)
- Geology of Mineral Resources (UG)
- Mineralogy and Petrology (UG/G)
I have finished my Dr.-rer.nat. (Ph.D.) in Economic Geology
on May, 16, 2003 in the Institute of Mineralogy and Mineral Resources, Technical
University of Clausthal, Germany under Supervisor Prof. Dr. Bernd Lehmann and Prof. Dr.
Kurt Mengel. My work was about Epithermal system of Gunung Pongkor gold deposit.
Interests and Current Researchs
I'm very interested in Mineral Deposits studies, Numerical Methods
for Geology, and Environmental Mineralogy/Geochemistry. My current research projects
- Geology, hydrothermal alteration and gold mineralization in metamorphic terrain
(orogenic gold) at Banjarnegara/Karangsambung regency, Central Java, Indonesia, funded
by PHK-A3 Project and AUN-SEED.Net/JICA Project.
- Development of instrument and standard method for asbestos analysis; funded by
Directorate of High Education of RI.
- Epithermal gold exploration project at Dalangturu area, Trenggalek, East Java,
Indonesia; funded by AUN-SEED.Net/JICA Project.
- Groundwater's selected heavy metals remediation by using activated natural zeolite
from Sidomulyo, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta and activated natural bentonite from Bandung
area, Boyolali, Central Java, Indonesia; funded by AUN-SEED.Net/JICA Project.
- Fe-Mn-(Cu-Au) skarn deposit exploration project at Kasihan area, Pacitan Regency,
East Java, Indonesia; funded by AUN-SEED.Net/JICA Project.
- Metamorphic facies study in the west Jiwo Hill -- Bayat district (Central Java,
Indonesia); funded by Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada University.
Society Member:
- Geological Society of America (GSA)
- Indonesian Association of Geologists (IAGI)
- Mineralogical Society (MinSoc)
- Society for Geology Applied of Mineral Deposits (SGA)
My resume in detail (restricted with login
and password).
- Warmada, I W., Tun, M. M., Fukuda, K., Al-Furqon, R., Imai, A., Harijoko, A.,
Watanabe, K., 2011. Hydrothermal alteration and mineralization of Kasihan Fe-Mn (Au)
skarn deposit, Pacitan, East Java (in preparation).
- Harijoko, A., Htun, T.M., Saputra, R., Warmada, I W., Setijadji, L.D., Imai, A.,
Watanabe, K., 2010. Mercury and Arsenic Contamination from Small Scale gold Mining Activities
at Selogiri Area, Central Java, Indonesia. J. SE Applied Geology 2: 56-64.
- Haznur, R., Setijadji, L.D., Warmada, I W., 2010. Potensi Pembentukan Endapan
Laterit Unsur Tanah Jarang (REE) di Indonesia. Proceedings of the 39th IAGI Annual Convention
and Exhibition, Senggigi-Lombok, 22-25 November 2010, 10p.
- Idrus, A., Warmada, I W., Nur, I., Sufriadin, Imai, A., Widasaputra, S., Marlia,
S.I., Fadlin, Kamrullah, 2010. Metamorphic Rock-Hosted Orogenic Gold Deposit Type As a Source
of Placer Gold at Langkowala Area, Bombana, Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Proceedings of
the 39th IAGI Annual Convention and Exhibition, Senggigi-Lombok, 22-25 November 2010, 7p.
- Pich, B., Warmada, I W., Hendrayana, H., Yoneda, T., 2010. Modified Zeolite and
Bentonite as Absorbents of Heavy Metal Ions from PollutedGroundwater in Yogyakarta Urban Area,
Yogyakarta. J. SE Applied Geology 2: 12-19.
- Sufriadin, Idrus, A., Pramumijoyo, S., Warmada, I W., Ueno, S., Imai, A., 2010,
Ni-Sepiolite of Garnierite Mineralization in the Nickeliferous Laterite Deposits, Soroako,
Indonesia, Proceedings of 3rd Regional Conference Interdisciplinary on Resources and
Materials Engineering (3rd RCNRM), University Sains Malaysia, Langkawi-Penang,
Malaysia, October, 25 -26.
- Sufriadin, Idrus, A., Pramumijoyo, S., Warmada, I W., Yonezu, K., Imai, A., 2010,
Characterisation and Leaching Behavior of Minerals by Sulphuric Acid in the Soroako
Nickeliferous Laterite Ores, Sulawesi, Indonesia, Proceedings of International Symposium
on Earth Science and Technology, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, December 7-8, pp.
- Sufriadin, Ueno, S., Imai, A., Idrus, A., Pramumijoyo, S., Warmada, I W., 2010.
Characteristics and the Occurrence of "Garnierite" from the Soroako Nickeliferous
Laterite Deposits, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Proceedings of the 39th IAGI Annual Convention
and Exhibition, Senggigi - Lombok, 22-25 November 2010, 10p.
- Warmada, I W., Hartati, R. (2010) Chatodolominescence Microscopic Analysis to Interpret
the Redox Condition During the Formation of Carbonate Vein. J. SE Applied Geology 2:
- Warmada, I W., Wilopo, W., Harijoko, A., 2010. Mineralogical control on landslide
in strongly weathered volcanic terrain. Case study: Padang Pariaman, West Sumatera.
Proceedings of the International Symposium and The 2nd AUN/Seed-Net Regional Conference
on Geo-Disaster Mitigation in ASEAN, Bali, February 25-26, 2010, p. 275-280.
- Warmada, I W., Yuliyanti, A., Pich, B., Yoneda, T., 2010. The Bandung Bentonite Deposit,
Boyolali, Central Java, Indonesia: Their Characteristics and Genetic Interpretation.
Proceedings of the 3rd AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Geological Engineering
Research in ASEAN Sustainable Geological Education, Siem Reap, 25-26 November 2010, pp.
- Watanabe, K., Yamanaka, T., Harijoko, A., Saitra, C., Warmada, I W., 2010.
Caldera activities in North Bali, Indonesia. Proceedings of the International Symposium
and The 2nd AUN/Seed-Net Regional Conference on Geo-Disaster Mitigation in ASEAN, Bali,
February 25-26, 2010, p. 529-536.
- Wilopo, W., Haryono, S.N., Putra, D.P.E., Warmada, I W., 2010. Copper (Cu2+)
removal from water using natural zeolite from Gedangsari, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta. J.
SE Applied Geology 2: 117-120.
- Wilopo, W., Haryono, S.N., Putra, D.P.E., Warmada, I W., 2010. Immobillization
of Cu from Water Using Natural Zeolite: Batch Experiments. Proceedings of the 3rd AUN/SEED-Net
Regional Conference on Geological Engineering Research in ASEAN Sustainable Geological
Education, Siem Reap, 25-26 November 2010, pp. 61-64.
- Wilopo, W., Irmafitri, P., Warmada, I W., Putra, D.P.E., 2010. Immobilization
of zinc in water by natural zeolite. Proceedings of the 5th Kentingan Physics Forum
International Conference on Physics and Its Applications, Solo, July 14, 2010, p.
- Idrus, A., Imai, A., Makkawaru, A., Kamrullah, Warmada, I W., Nur, I., Langkoke, R.,
2009. Preliminary study on orogenic deposit type as a source of placer gold at Bombana,
Southeast Sulawesi, Indonesia. Proceeding of International Symposium on Earth Science
and Technology 2009. December 8-9, 2009., Fukuoka, Japan. 569-572.
- Idrus, A., Warmada, I W., Setiawan, I., Hendratno, A., 2009.
Characteristics and physicochemical conditions of the formation of the epithermal
base metal (Pb-Zn) quartz vein in Tirtomoyo area, southern Mountain, Java Island,
Indonesia. Proceedings of International Conference on Earth Science & Technology,
Vol. 1: 187-192. ISBN: 978-979-17549-4-1.
- Idrus, A., Hartono, Setiawan, I., Warmada, I W., Yudha, R. K., 2009.
Keberadaan dan karakteristik endapan urat kuarsa epitermal di Gunung Tukung,
Kabupaten Pacitan, Jawa Timur: Implikasi pada eksplorasi emas di Pegunungan Selatan.
Proceedings of International Conference on Earth Science & Technology, Vol. 1:
193-198. ISBN: 978-979-17549-4-1.
- Idrus, A., Warmada, I W., Setiawan, I., Raditya, B., Kurnia, M., 2009.
Endapan Urat Epitermal Logam Dasar Pb-Zn Daerah Tirtomoyo, Kabupaten Wonogiri, Propinsi
Jawa Tengah: Studi Awal Mengenai Alterasi Hidrotermal, Mineralisasi Bijih dan Inklusi
Fluida. Majalah Geologi Indonesia, 24(1): 13-20.
- Phonekeo, V., Warmada, I W., Putra, D. P. E., Sasaki, K., 2009.
Evaluation the stability of mine tunnel based on geomechanical classification in cut
and fill of the Pongkor underground mine PT. Antam, Tbk, West Java, Indonesia.
Proceedings of International Conference on Earth Science & Technology, Vol. 2:
83-88. ISBN: 978-979-17549-4-1.
- Phoumephone, P., Harijoko, A., Warmada, I W., Imai, A., Takahashi, R.,
Shingo, Y., 2009. Hydrothermal alteration of epithermal gold deposit at Dalangturu
and Suruh areas, Trenggalek regency, East Java, Indonesia. Proceedings of
International Conference on Earth Science & Technology, Vol. 1: 169-177. ISBN:
- Setijadji, L. D., Warmada, I W., Imai, A., Sanematsu, K., 2009.
Investigation on rare earth elements mineralization in Indonesia. Proceedings of The
2nd Regional Conference Interdisciplinary Research on Natural Resources and
Materials Engineering, Yogyakarta, 6-7 August 2009, pp. 53-58. ISBN:
- Shingo, Y., Imai, A., Takahashi, R., Watanabe, K., Harijoko, A., Warmada, I W.,
Idrus, A., Phoumephone, P., 2009. Outline of epithermal gold mineralization at
Trenggalek Prospects, East Java, Indonesia. Proceeding of International Symposium
on Earth Science and Technology 2009. December 8-9, 2009., Fukuoka, Japan. p.
- Soewondo, W., Arryanto, Y., Tjiptono, T., Faisal, W., Syarip, Basuki, A.,
Warmada, I W., Harijoko, A., Anggara, F., 2009. Model asal-usul dan proses
kejadian zeolit Tersier di daerah Sidomulyo dan sekitarnya, Malang, pegunungan
Selatan zona Jawa Timur, sebagai salah satu kunci eksplorasi tubuh endapannya.
Proceedings of International Conference on Earth Science & Technology, Vol. 1:
237-247. ISBN: 978-979-17549-4-1.
- Sufriadin, Idrus, A., Pramumijoyo, S., Warmada, I W., Nur, I., Suharto,
2009. Serpentinisasi pada batuan ultramafik dan implikasinya terhadap eksplorasi
endapan nikel laterit. Proceedings of International Conference on Earth Science &
Technology, Vol. 1: 161-168. ISBN: 978-979-17549-4-1.
- Warmada, I W., Harijoko, A., Imai, A., Watanabe, K., 2009. Landslide triggering
factor in hydrothermally altered area. Case study: Kasihan district, Pacitan regency,
East Java, Indonesia. Proceedings of the 2nd Regional Conference on Geological and
Geo-Resources Engineering Research in ASEAN - Earth Sciences International Conference,
Manila, August 27-28, 2009, p. 136-141. ISSN: 2094-2745.
- Warmada, I W., Tun, M. M., Fukuda, K., Al-Furqon, R., Imai, A., Harijoko, A.,
Watanabe, K., 2009. Stability field between hedenbergite and johannsenite in Kasihan
Fe-Mn (Au) Skarn Deposit, Pacitan, East Java. Majalah Geologi Indonesia, 24(2):
- Yamanaka, T., Harijoko, A., Warmada, I W., Itaya, T., Watanabe, K., 2009.
Petrochemical and geochronological characteriazation of Bratan Caldera, Bali,
Indonesia. Proceeding of International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology
2009. December 8-9, 2009, Fukuoka, Japan. p. 249-252.
- Harijoko, A., Warmada, I W., Sudargo, T., Huriati, E., Widagdo, D., 2008.
Identifying geogenic controls of iodine deficiency disorder (IDD) incidence in the
volcanic landscape. Proceedings of the Final Report Hi-Link Project Research 2007,
Yogyakarta, pp. 1-9.
- Hasnur, R., Panggabean, D.R., Warmada, I W., 2008. The relationship between
sedimentological characteristics and strength of sand and cement mixture: Case study
sand from G. Merapi eruption and Parangtritis sand beach, Yogyakarta (in Indonesia).
Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan IAGI Ke-37 Vol. 1: 644-651. ISBN:
- Idrus, A., Warmada, I.W., Setijadji, L.D., Widiasmoro, Titisari, A.D., 2008.
An overview of hydrothermal ore mineralization in the Southern Mountain with focus area
of Pacitan, Wonogiri and Ponorogo (in Indonesia). Kumpulan makalah "Pertemuan teknis
potensi endapan mineral logam daerah Kabupaten Pacitan", Pacitan 12-13 Maret 2008, PT.
Aneka Tambang Tbk., pp. 32-40.
- Pich, B., Warmada, I W., Hendrayana, H., Yoneda, T., 2008. Removal of heavy
metals from polluted dug-well water in Yogyakarta urban area by utilizing treated
zeolite and bentonite in adsorption experiment. Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan IAGI
Ke-37 Vol. 2: 103-113. ISBN: 978-979-551-014-7.
- Warmada, I W., Hemes, H.S., 2008. Do supergene enrichment of gold-(silver) making
Pongkor an economic deposit? Prosiding TPT XVII PERHAPI, Palembang, 24-25 Juli 2008,
186-191. ISBN: 978-979-8826-14-6.
- Warmada, I W., Tun, M.M., Fukuda, K., Al-Furqon, R., Imai, A., Harijoko, A.,
Watanabe, K., 2008. Stability field between hedenbergite and johannsenite in Kasihan
Fe-Mn-(Au) skarn deposit, Pacitan, East Java. Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan IAGI
Ke-37 Vol. 1: 562-568. ISBN: 978-979-551-014-7.
- Warmada, I W., Sudarno, I., Wijanarko, D., 2008. Geologi dan Fasies Batuan Metamorf
Daerah Jiwo Barat, Bayat, Klaten, Jawa Tengah. Media Teknik 30/2: 113-118.
- Yuliyanti, A., Warmada, I W., Titisari, A.D., 2008. Characteristics and
genesis of montmorilonitic claystone from Bandung area, Wonosegoro, Boyolali, Central
Java, Indonesia. Prosiding Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan IAGI Ke-37 Vol. 1: 1-11. ISBN:
- Idrus, A., Warmada, I W., 2007. Geologi Eksplorasi Tambang. Diktat Kuliah
(Lecture Note). Jurusan Teknik Geologi, FT-UGM, 120 hal (unpublished).
- Idrus, A., Warmada, I W., Setijadji, L. D., Widiasmoro, Titisari, A. D., 2007.
Potensi sumberdaya mineral bijih tipe hidrotermal di Pegunungan Selatan. Prosiding Seminar
dan Workshop "Potensi Geologi Pegunungan Selatan dalam Pengembangan Wilayah", Yogyakarta,
27-29 Nopember 2007: 22-30.
- Imai, A., Shinomiya, J., Soe, M. T., Setijadji, L. D., Watanabe, K., Yoshikawa, R.,
Warmada, I W., 2007. Porphyry-type mineralization at Selogiri area, Wonogiri
regency, Central Java, Indonesia. Resource Geology 57: 230-240.
- Pich, B., Yuliyanti, A., Warmada, I W., Idrus, A., Titisari, A. D., Yoneda,
T., 2007. Mineralogical characteristics of the Sidomulyo zeolite and the Kedungbedah
bentonite, Gunungkidul and Boyolali regency, respectively, Indonesia and their
utilizations as heavy metal adsorbents. Proceedings of 11th International Symposium on
Earth Resources Engineering and Geological Engineering Education. Yogyakarta, 12/2007.
- Pich, B., Warmada, I W., Hendrayana, H., Yoneda, T., 2007. Modified zeolite
and bentonite as adsorbents of heavy metal ions from polluted groundwater in Yogyakarta
urban area, Indonesia. Proceedings of 11th International Symposium on Earth Resources
Engineering and Geological Engineering Education. Yogyakarta, 12/2007. 14p.
- Saputra, R., Warmada, I W., Harijoko, A., Motomura, Y., Imai, A., Watanabe,
K., 2007. Source and distribution of arsenic in small scale gold mining, Selogiri area,
Indonesia. The 32nd HAGI, The 36th IAGI, and The 29th IATMI Annual Conference and
Exhibition, Denpasar, Bali, 13-16 Nov. 2007.
- Sartika, D. N., Warmada, I W., Harahap, B. H., Soewondo, W., 2007.
Tholeiitic Late Oligocene lava from Kenanga river, Tegalombo, Pacitan, East Java.
Proceedings of 11th International Symposium on Earth Resources Engineering and
Geological Engineering Education. Yogyakarta, 12/2007. 8p.
- Sartika, D. N., Warmada, I W., Harahap, B. H., Soewondo, W., 2007. Geology
of Melong Hill Area and Petrologic Characteristics of Late Oligocene Lava on Kenanga
River, Tegalombo, Pacitan, East Java. The 32nd HAGI, The 36th IAGI, and The 29th IATMI
Annual Conference and Exhibition, Denpasar, Bali, 13-16 Nov. 2007. Poster
- Warmada, I W., Lehmann, B.,
Simandjuntak, M., Hemes, H. S., 2007. Fluid inclusion, REE and stable isotope study of
carbonate minerals from the Pongkor epithermal gold-silver deposit, West Java,
Indonesia. Resource Geology 57: 124-135.
- Warmada, I W., Idrus, A., Titisari, A. D., 2007. Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral. Diktat
Kuliah (Lecture Note). Jurusan Teknik Geologi, FT-UGM, 101 hal
- Ansori, C., Harijoko, A., Warmada, I W., 2006. Characteristics and genesis
of precious opal-CT from Banten, Java, Indonesia. Proceedings of the 3rd International
Symposium on Earth Resources Engineering and Geological Engineering Education.
Yogyakarta, 08/2006: 294-300.
- Fakhrurrozi, A., Yuminti, S., Warmada, I W., 2006. Design and applications
of geodatabase management system for borehole data (in Indonesia). Proceedings of the
35th IAGI Annual Convention and Exhibition, Pekanbaru - Riau, 21-22 Nov. 2006.
- Htun, T. M., Warmada, I W., Harijoko,
A., Saputra, R., Setijadji, L. D., Watanabe, K., Imai, A., 2006. Arsenic and heavy
metals contamination in small scale mining, Selogiri area, Wonogiri regency, Central
Java, Indonesia. Proceedings of 9th International Symposium on Mineral Exploration
(ISME-IX), Bandung, 09/2006: 69-75.
- Htun, T. M., Warmada, I W., Harijoko, A., Saputra, R., Setijadji, L. D.,
Watanabe, K., Imai, A., 2006. The comparison of mercury contamination in dry and wet
season from small scale mining in Selogiri area, Wonogiri regency, Central Java,
Indonesia. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Earth Resources
Engineering and Geological Engineering Education. Yogyakarta, 08/2006.
- Imai, A., Shinomiya, J., Soe, M. T., Setijadji, L. D., Watanabe, K., Yoshikawa, R.,
Warmada, I W., 2006. Porphyry-type mineralization at Selogiri area, Wonogiri
regency, Central Java, Indonesia. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on
Earth Resources Engineering and Geological Engineering Education. Yogyakarta, 08/2006:
- Saputra, R., Warmada, I W., Harijoko, A., Setijadji, L. D., Motomura, Y.,
Watanabe, K., 2006. Distribution of arsenic and its source in small scale gold mining,
Selogiri area, Wonogiri, Indonesia. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on
Earth Resources Engineering and Geological Engineering Education. Yogyakarta, 08/2006:
- Tun, M. M., Warmada, I W., Harijoko, A., Titisari, A. D., Fukuda, K., Imai,
A., 2006. Mineral deposits and preliminary prospective mineralization in Kasihan area,
East Java, Indonesia. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Earth Resources
Engineering and Geological Engineering Education. Yogyakarta, 08/2006: 509-514
- Warmada, I W., 2006. Mineralogical characteristics and gold depositional processes
of the Pongkor epithermal gold-silver deposit, West Java, Indonesia (in Indonesia).
Media Teknik 28/4: 32-36.
- Warmada, I W., Hartati, R., 2006. Cathodoluminescence microscopic
analysis to interpret the redox condition during the formation of carbonate vein.
Proceedings of the 35th IAGI Annual Convention and Exhibition, Pekanbaru - Riau, 21-22
Nov. 2006.
- Watanabe, K., Uchino, K., Karnawati, D., Pramumijoyo, S., Hendrayana, H., Imai, A.,
Setijadji, L. D., Harijoko, A., Warmada, I W., 2006. Building capacity of global
geoscientific workforce through Japan-ASEAN university network. Geophysical Research
Abstract 8: 05461.
- Warmada, I W., Soe, M. T.,
Sinomiya, J., Setijadji, L. D., Imai, A., Watanabe, K., 2005. Petrology and
geochemistry of intrusive rocks from Selogiri area, Central Java, Indonesia.
Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Earth Resources Engineering and
Geological Engineering Education. Bangkok, 12/2005: 163-169.
- Titisari, A. D., Warmada, I W., 2005. Genesis of pink limestone in Klepu
area, Kokap, Kulon Progo regency, Yogyakarat (in Indonesia). Media Teknik 27/4:
- Warmada, I W., Harijoko, A., Hendrayana, H., 2005. Mercury and arsenic
contamination from small-scale mining in Yogyakarta and Central Java: Current research
activities. Proceedings of the AUN/SEED-Net Fieldwise Seminar on "Enhancing ASEAN
Research and Education in Environmental Engineering". Manila 08/2005: 33-35.
- Warmada, I W., Hendratno, A., and
Sasongko, W., 2005. A comparative study of norm analyses between CIPW and Linear
Programming (LPNORM) methods (in Indonesia). Media Teknik 27/2: 19-24.
- Widiasmoro, Titisari, A. D., Warmada, I W., 2005. Peran studi dan eksplorasi
bahan galian di dalam rangka ikut mengisi pelaksanaan program otonomi daerah. Forum
Perencanaan Pembangungan 01/2005: 41-55.
- Soe, U. T., Shinomiya, J., Warmada, I W., Setijadji, L. D., Imai, A.,
Watanabe, K., 2004. Geology and gold-copper mineralization at Selogiri area:
Preliminary Report. Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Earth Resources
Engineering and Geological Engineering Education. Yogyakarta, 12/2004: 20-24.
- Setijadji, L. D., Imai, A., Soe, U. T., Warmada, I W., Watanabe, K., 2004.
Mineral deposits in the Southern Mountains of Central-East Java and implication on
regional geology and mineral prospectivity of Sunda Arc. Proceedings of the 1st
International Symposium on Earth Resources Engineering and Geological Engineering
Education. Yogyakarta, 12/2004: 16-19.
- Warmada, I W., 2004. Geokomputasi: Komputer
untuk geologi. Diktat Kuliah. Jurusan Teknik Geologi, FT-UGM, 126 hal.
- Warmada, I W., Titisari, A. D., 2004.
Agromineralogi: Mineralogi untuk ilmu pertanian. Diktat Kuliah. Jurusan Teknik Geologi,
FT-UGM, 90 hal.
- Warmada, I W., 2004. Presentasi dengan LyX melalui Acrobat Reader. InfoLINUX
08/2004: 73-76.
- Warmada, I W., 2003. LyX sebagai aplikasi desktop publisher. InfoLINUX 09/2003:
- Warmada, I W., 2003. Membuat grafik berkualitas tinggi di Linux. InfoLINUX 08/2003:
- Warmada, I W., 2003. Ore mineralogy and geochemistry of the Pongkor epithermal
gold-silver deposit, Indonesia. Dissertation. Papierflieger, Clausthal-Zellerfeld.
- Warmada, I W., Lehmann, B., and
Simandjuntak, M., 2003. Polymetallic sulfides and sulfosalts of the Pongkor epithermal
gold-silver deposit, West Java, Indonesia. The Canadian Mineralogist 41:
- Susanto, A. B., Wiryana, I M., 2001. MagicPoint untuk orang lugu. Warmada, I W. (ed) Seri Open Source Campus
- Susanto, A. B., Warmada, I W., 2001.
Gnuplot untuk orang lugu. Wiryana, I M. (ed). Seri Open Source Campus Agreement.
- Warmada, I W., Schultz, F., 2000. Copper
porphyry-lagerstätten in den zentralen Anden. Dalam: Lehmann, B., Franzke,
J., Schultz, F., Wittenbrink, J. (eds) Lagerstätten-Exkursion: Bolivien/Chile 21.
Juli - 6. August 2000.
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Last Updated: June 27, 2009