My Current Activities
- Analisis Struktur Silang-siur dengan Metode Analisis Vektor (17/03/99) [baca]
- Tanah sebagai penopang kehidupan (Terjemahan, 15/04/99) [baca]
- Penyelidikan tanah (Terjemahan, 19/04/99) [baca]
- Porositas Batupasir dan Parameter Empiris yang Berpengaruh (29/06/99) [baca]
- Karir dalam bidang Ilmu Bumi (Terjemahan, 31/05/00) [baca]
- Copper porphyry Lagerstätten in den zentralen Anden (German, 31/08/00) [baca]
- Southern Mountains of Central Java (Fieldtrip Guide, 10/12/00) [baca]
- Spreadsheet gratis berbasis GUI di Linux (InfoLINUX 2/2001) [baca]
- Komputer: Apakah hanya sekadar alat bantu? (17/03/01) [baca]
- Riset dan transfer teknologi pada CeBIT 2001 (31/03/01) [baca]
- Sejarah berdirinya CeBIT (31/03/01) [baca]
- Model endapan bijih porfiri dan epithermal (Materi presentasi (PDF), 08/06/01) [baca]
- Tantangan ilmu kebumian dalam era teknologi informasi (TI) (Materi presentasi (PDF), 08/06/01) [baca]
- Geostatistik vs. geologi numerik (24/08/01) [baca]
- Membuat grafik berkualitas tinggi di Linux (InfoLINUX 8/2003) [baca]
- LyX sebagai aplikasi dekstop publisher (InfoLINUX 9/2003) [baca]
- Presentasi dengan LyX melalui acrobat reader (InfoLINUX 8/2004) [baca]
- Studi komparasi analisis normatif antara metode CIPW dengan metode pemrograman linear (LPNorm) (disubmit ke Media Teknik Akhir 2004)) [baca]
- Problem-based learning (PBL) berbasis teknologi informasi (ICT) (15/05/2004)) [baca]
- Guide for Ore Minerals Determination [step by step user guide] (under contruction).
See also the virtual atlas of opaque and ore mineral
- Migrasi dari DOS/Windows ke Linux (28/06/09) Catatan: tulisan lama yang sedikit dimodifikasi. [baca]
- Database bibliografi geologi endapan mineral [BibTeX, 2004] [download]
- Database bibliografi seputar geologi Indonesia [BibTeX, 2004] [download]
- Gnuplot untuk orang lugu [PDF, 2001) [download]
- MagicPoint untuk orang lugu (PDF, 2001) [download]
- Geokomputasi (Komputer untuk Geologi) (PDF, 22/11/04) [Buku A4, Buku A5]
- Agromineralogi (Mineralogi untuk Ilmu Pertanian) (PDF, 04/12/04) [download]
- Etika rekayasa: Kuliah kesiapan kerja [Slide presentasi | Artikel lengkap] (PDF), 08/05/2004)
- Geology, hydrothermal alteration and gold mineralization in metamorphic terrain (orogenic gold) at Banjarnegara/Karangsambung regency, Central Java, Indonesia; funded by PHK-A3 Project and ASEAN University Network / SEED-Net Projects
- Fe-Mn-(Cu-Au) skarn deposit exploration project at Kasihan area, Pacitan regency, East Java, Indonesia; funded by ASEAN University Network / SEED-Net Projects
- Groundwater's selected heavy metals remediation by using activated natural zeolite from Sidomulyo, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta and activated natural bentonite from Bandung area, Boyolali, Central Java, Indonesia; funded by ASEAN University Network / SEED-Net Projects
- Ore geochemistry and microscopy of gold-copper mineralization at Selogiri area, Central Java, Indonesia
- Petrology and geochemistry of micro-dioritic intrusion at Selogiri area, Central Java, Indonesia
- Teaching [undergraduate/S-1]: Kristalografi & Mineralogi, Petrologi, Geologi Sumberdaya Mineral, Geokomputasi, dan Geologi Mineral Bijih dan Industri
- Teaching [graduate/S-2]: Geokimia Endapan Logam, Eksplorasi dan Eksploitasi Endapan Mineral, dan Endapan Mineral Lanjutan
Short Courses, Seminars & Fieldtrip Participation
Geological and geochemical concepts for exploring and developing hydrothermal ore deposits
by Prof. Dr. Ulrich Petersen (Harvard University, USA).
Clausthal [Germany], October 12-16, 1998.
Geochemistry of hydrothermal ore formation
by Prof. Dr. Bernd Lehmann (TU Clausthal, Germany).
Yogyakarta [Indonesia], August 9-13, 1999.
Epithermal systems and gold mineralization in volcanic arcs
by Dr. Jeffrey W. Hedenquist (Consulting Economic Geologist, Ottawa, Canada)
and Dr. Antonio Arribas, Jr. (Placer Dome Exploration Inc., San Jose, USA).
Freiberg [Germany], December 13-17, 1999.
Andean porphyry systems (Sn- porphyry [Bolivia] and Cu-(Au-Mo)- porphyry [Chile])
by Prof. Dr. Bernd Lehmann (TU Clausthal, Germany). Bolivia & Chile, July
21-August 6, 2000.
Diamonds From source to sea
by Dr. Ian B. Corbett (De Beers Resource Unit, Cape Town, SA), Dr. Johann
Stiefenhofer (De Beers Geosciences Centre, Johannesburg, SA), and Darren
R. Dyck (BHP Diamond Inc., Kelowna, Canada). Freiberg [Germany], December 11-15, 2000.
Minerals and other resources found in marine areas beyond the limits of national juridiction
held by BRKP - Province of North Sulawesi - International Seabed Authority. Manado, North
Sulawesi [Indonesia], March 5-7, 2007.
Gold deposits: New development and exploration
by Dr. Noel C. White (Epithermal gold deposits), Dr. Steve Garwin (Carlin-type
gold and porphyry Cu-Au deposits), Dr. Richard J. Goldfarb (Orogenic gold deposits), and
Dr. Craig J.R. Hart (Intrusion-related gold deposits). SEG-MGEI Gold Deposits Workshop 2009.
Yogyakarta [Indonesia], October 8-9, 2009.
Last Updated: October 9, 2009